Day 1-3, 100km
Because of Marias foot we had to take it easy for 3 days. We started each day around 7 am and where finished around 10-10.30 am which is quite nice, but we want to skate much longer so we can take a day or two of. With this speed we have to skate every day, because we have to skate 30km each day to make it to the airport before our visa goes out.


Getting fresh fish

Day 4, 95km, 85km on skateboard.
When I woke up this morning I was so tired of skating and I just wanted to go to sleep again, but when we started skating it felt really good and we decided to skate 95km instead of 41km as we planned at first. We had a very vary day with a road as a rollercoaster with alot of ups and downs. We got a ride with a tractor by holding on to his trail and skated behind, we also got a ride with a motorbiketaxi with a monk and a regular taxi when the road was killing us under two roadworks and all this for free. At the end of the day a father with the hole car full of children let us go with him the last km on his trail to our beachresort. He drove this small tiny road which after a while became a gravelroad, Thai people are amazing. So now are we here at the beach and the road is all gravel as far as you can see, so it will be an exiting day tomorrow, will we get a ride 7am to the main road or will we have to walk?
Day 5, 90km, 45km on skateboard.
This was a hell of a day with very bad pavement quite along time, roadworks and a body which was totally worked out. After 15km the road became unskateable so we hitch-hiked for 10km. We got a ride on a trail with 8 other people. It´s never fun to have to hitch-hike because it fells like a failure, but I don´t to walk for hours, this is our holiday and we have spend alot of money on it so walking is out of the question if it´s bad pavement or roadwork, uphill is ok. When the road got better we jump of and the road just went up and down all the time and I was so tired, it felt like I had no more strength left. When we had skated for 30km we come to a bigger roadwork where the road just were of gravel and this made me feel like I hit rock bottom, I was so tired both physical and psysical. We have now been skating 250km in 30-40 degrees heat for the last 5days and I was complitely out of powers so we decided to hitch-hike to Chumpon, almost 45km from there we were. We got a lift with a guy in his 40:ies and after a while he took up a almost empty Chang beer (roomers said what a chang contains somewere between 5-15% of alcohol) and he shouted "beer" and laughed before he took the last sip, it´s not like home where you get arrested for just smelling a beer when you drive.
A funny thing today was a trail with a man and a big drumset on in the middle of the road. The man was playing and around him a crowd of 20-30 people were dancing and they took up the hole car-lain. When we came to Chumpon we jumped on the bus to go to the beach and I was so tired so I fell a sleep. As I said it´s never fun to have to hitch-hike, but we were so really tired today and the hole day felt like mission impossible and it´s easy to hurt our self by falling when we were so tired as we were today. Now we are going to stay here for two night and rest before we are going over to the west-coast.
